• Newsletter How the retail store can motivate and engage your staff


Monthly Tonic - Issue 03

When you put engaged and inspirational store staff into a thoughtfully designed store, this is where the real magic can happen, this is where brands can stand out.


With talk of easing some of the lockdown measures in the weeks to come and many stores potentially opening under a 'new normal', everybody in retail is wondering how to build trust with customers to encourage them to go back to shopping on the high street. Still working remotely, the Quinine team, are actively exploring many different strategies to help all our clients. We feel a big part of this is based on staff.

 As you may be aware, over the last few weeks, we have been discussing the importance of designing great staff experiences with a particular interest in the power that the store environment has to motivate and engage staff. Below, I have captured some interesting insights and stat filled articles that have been influencing and driving our thinking.

Let us establish that employees are important too! We all know how important the customer is to the success of our business. This Forbes article takes another view, giving five reasons why your employee is more important than the customer. 

This article in Retail Touchpoints looks at how staff are your brands biggest advocates, and with 92% of customers trusting brand advocates more than other forms advertising your staff can help create more brand loyalty with your customers.

Staff are an investment, not an expense. With only 15% of the world's workers engaged and reaching their full potential at work, metrics from Gallup show how your staff are your biggest asset.

There are challenges we need to address. The high staff turnover rate for retail is something we should all be paying attention to. Undercover Recruiter's article highlights the staggering 60% turnover rate in the industry.

The reality is that employees, customers and business are all interlinked. We must not let retail staff be the weak link in the chain.The Harvard Business Review explores how 'every dollar saved on staffing costs may cause several dollars in lost revenues.

Inspiring spaces inspire people. There is a science behind creating inspiring workplaces, and it's time retailers start to consider their store are workplaces for their staff. Engage’s blog comments on how the use of colour and nature can be used to create workspaces that increase staff productivity.

The future of work is here.This article from Jacob Morgan on Forbes talks about the importance of the employee experience at work. We think retailers have missed this opportunity and now need to step up and design staff experience to show your employees how much you care and that you value what your staff do.

 We continually hold Apple up as an industry leader in customer experience, but they also treat their staff like experts and invest in their personal growth. This is an excellent article from Business Insider highlights how Apple builds loyalty and keeps a great team of experts on the floor.

With stores about to reopen under Covid –19 guidelines, staff wellness is more important than ever. This article, written by Naz Beheshti on Forbes outlines ten of the most interesting statistics that can help drive the conversation of employee engagement and wellness within your businesses.

 I would like to encourage you to read our latest article or download our recent webinar that explores ways to create a store environment that is engaging and motivating for your staff. You can access both the article and the webinar here. 

I hope you find these helpful. Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to discuss further.

Kind regards

In Quinine's ‘Monthly Tonic' newsletter, we share the key articles, reports and research studies that are driving the conversations we are having here in the studio. Each newsletter is based around a single theme that extends beyond retail to explore broader social and cultural influences shaping the changing world around us. We share a range of insights, perspectives and points of view that are positively impacting the direction we are heading and the discussions we are having with our clients. The following newsletter was shared with all our friends, clients and Quinine community members. If you would like to receive our next issue, please sign up here!

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